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== Advancement ==
== Advancement ==

What are 'Techs Points?'
'''Tech Points'''

There are 75 different types of components that a character can gain Techs Points in. Normally referred to as just Techs. The number of Techs you have gained dictates what level of Artistry and Expertize you can gain from the mob, Thad. Techs are gained by using a component that you have not earned a tech in, while crafting. When you gain a tech, it looks like one of the following:
There are 75 different types of components that a character can gain Techs Points in. Normally referred to as just "Techs." The number of Techs you have gained dictates what level of Artistry and Expertise you can gain from the mob, [[Thad]]. Techs are gained by using a component that you have not earned a tech in, while crafting. When you gain a tech, it looks like one of the following:

    You have GAINED a Tech in Expertise!
You have GAINED a Tech in Expertise!
    You have GAINED a Tech in Artistry!

TIP: The more components that you need a tech in that you use in an item, the better the chance of gaining a tech.  For the highest success rate, craft the following types of items using all the same comps when possible:
You have GAINED a Tech in Artistry!

For a leather component, craft a cloak with Tessa (11 layers)
''TIP: The more components that you need a tech in that you use in an item, the better the chance of gaining a tech. For the highest success rate, craft the following types of items using all the same comps when possible:''
For a cloth component, craft a cloak with Faja '(11 bolts)'
For a wood component, craft a neck with Tessa '(7 planks) For a metal component, craft a chest with Eregalt (9 ingots)

* For a leather component, craft a cloak with Tessa (11 layers)
* For a cloth component, craft a cloak with Faja (11 bolts)
* For a wood component, craft a neck with Tessa '(7 planks)
* For a metal component, craft a chest with Eregalt (9 ingots)

'''What is Expertise?'''

What is 'Expertise?'
Expertise sets the max ''base level'' of any item you can create. While crafting with Expertise and using gemstones, you will gain practices as a reward for each gemstones used.

Expertise, I believe, sets the max base level of any item you can create.
'''What is Artistry?'''
Artistry, we believe, sets the max ''boosted level'' of any item you can create. While crafting with Artistry and using gemstones, you will gain role play points as a reward for each gemstones used.

While crafting with Expertise and using gemstones, you will gain practices as a reward for each gemstones used.
How to begin advancement:
# Begin the crafting quest line by talking with Thad.
# Create the wrist he asks for for (hit/quickness: golden yew/roughened leather or speed/strength: toughened leather/oak, for instance)
What is 'Artistry?'
Artistry, I believe, sets the max Boosted level of any item you can create.
While crafting with Artistry and using gemstones, you will gain role play points as a reward for each gemstones used.
What components are needed to create the <wrist> for Thad so that I can create items with Artistry
Thad has assigned you a task - bring him a crafted wristband of crude or average quality. With this item, he will reveal to you the techniques of beginning Artistry.
hit/quickness and speed/strength are the two stat sets that I know of that create wristbands. 
    hit/quickness: golden yew/roughened leather
    speed/strength: toughened leather/oak

== Item Power ==  
== Item Power ==  

Revision as of 12:15, 2 October 2020

Crafting 2.0 refers to the longest-implemented and most-used crafting system Nodeka has used.


  • Crafting - using items found in Nodeka to make equipable items
  • Salvage - loot that drops on mobs in specific areas, and is denoted in-game like this: < salvage >
  • Scrounger Gnome - mob who turns < salvage > into scraps, jewel fragments, and possibly whole gemstones
  • Scrap - the base material received from scrounger gnomes, which combine to form components
  • Component - craftable material received from Stacy and given to one of five crafting mobs to create crafted items
  • Jewel Fragment - a special type of scrap given to Stacy to get gemstones
  • Gemstone - special type of crafting material which can be used to transform the stat set, boost the base level, or increase the chances of gaining an inspiration of a crafted item
  • Cordon - loot dropped in Pain's Tabernacle that can be worn on the knees that can be paired with certain level 4 crafted items. The base stats for all cordons are +2 hit and +2 dam. But when paired, they will give a quest affect.
  • Primary stat - the stat of "focus" for a piece of crafted equipment for a Stat Set
  • Secondary stat - the stat of a crafted piece that is lower priority and less impactful

Stat Sets

Components are used to create crafted items. There are Natural Stat Sets and Transformed Stat Sets. Natural Stat Sets are generated based on the two specific types of components used. Transformed Stat Sets are generated on the two specific types of components used when used with specific transform gemstones. To date, we know of 22 Natural Stat Sets and 8 Transformed Stat Sets, for a total of 30:

  • strength / speed
  • agility / dexterity
  • constitution / wisdom
  • damage / agility / willpower
  • damage / nat resist / quickness
  • damage / speed
  • damage / wisdom
  • endurance / willpower / strength
  • health / constitution / dexterity
  • health / damage
  • health / willpower
  • health / agility
  • hit / constitution
  • hit / damage
  • hit / dexterity
  • hit / intellect
  • hit / quickness
  • hit / spirit / mana
  • intellect / wisdom
  • mana / speed / intellect
  • nat resist / intellect
  • nat resist / speed
  • nat resist / strength / dexterity
  • speed / dexterity / agility
  • speed / wisdom / constitution
  • spirit / constitution / intellect
  • willpower / constitution / strength
  • willpower / constitution
  • willpower / dexterity
  • willpower / intellect / wisdom

Crafting NPCs

Who is Stacy?

Stacy is the mob who is used to convert scraps into gemstones. She is found in the Artistry guild in AV.

There are 5 basic types of scraps and 5 types of components

3 shred = 1 layer 4 cut = 1 bolt 4 stalk = 1 plank 5 nugget = 1 ingot 1 to 50 jewel fragment = 1 to 3 gemstone

Who are the Crafting Mobs and what do they help a character make?

Tessa: leather cloak, neck and wrist Faja: cloth cloak, cloak chest and light Hagglish: arms, legs, feet and hands Eregalt: head and metal chest Badgit: weapons: finesse, magic and combat


Tech Points

There are 75 different types of components that a character can gain Techs Points in. Normally referred to as just "Techs." The number of Techs you have gained dictates what level of Artistry and Expertise you can gain from the mob, Thad. Techs are gained by using a component that you have not earned a tech in, while crafting. When you gain a tech, it looks like one of the following:

You have GAINED a Tech in Expertise!
You have GAINED a Tech in Artistry!

TIP: The more components that you need a tech in that you use in an item, the better the chance of gaining a tech. For the highest success rate, craft the following types of items using all the same comps when possible:

  • For a leather component, craft a cloak with Tessa (11 layers)
  • For a cloth component, craft a cloak with Faja (11 bolts)
  • For a wood component, craft a neck with Tessa '(7 planks)
  • For a metal component, craft a chest with Eregalt (9 ingots)

What is Expertise?

Expertise sets the max base level of any item you can create. While crafting with Expertise and using gemstones, you will gain practices as a reward for each gemstones used.

What is Artistry? Artistry, we believe, sets the max boosted level of any item you can create. While crafting with Artistry and using gemstones, you will gain role play points as a reward for each gemstones used.

How to begin advancement:

  1. Begin the crafting quest line by talking with Thad.
  2. Create the wrist he asks for for (hit/quickness: golden yew/roughened leather or speed/strength: toughened leather/oak, for instance)

Item Power

There are a total of 9 levels of crafted items. There are 2 ways to tell what crafted level an item is after creation, by name or by value:

Crafted Item Level Name Value
Level 1 crude <first name> 10,250,640 gold
Level 2 <first name> 20,500,640 gold
Level 3 durable <first name> 30,750,640 gold
Level 4 <first name> of <something> 41,000,640 gold
Level 5 <second name> 51,250,640 gold
Level 6 fine <second name> 61,500,640 gold
Level 7 superb <second name> 71,750,640 gold
Level 8 <second name> of <something> 82,000,640 gold
Level 9 <third name> 92,250,640 gold
Level 10 ? ? gold
Level 11 ? ? gold
Level 12 ? ? gold

As far as we know, Expertise sets the maximum base level of the item and Artistry sets the maximum gemstone-boosted level of the item. Tier 1 components can be combined to make items of level 1 through 3. Whim most likely did this to make it harder to see the pattern, but in doing so changed this rule to accommodate Tier 1 comps. He did not change that rule for level 4 and above though. In order to create a level 4 item without getting an inspiration, you will need an Expertise level of 4 or higher when using no booster gems. To create a level 4 item without getting an inspiration, you will need an Artistry level of 4 or higher when you are using booster gems. So with crafting levels of 1/1, bothering to use Tier 2 or Tier 3 components is just a waste of time, the item will not gain any benefit from the higher Tier components.

It is fairly simple for items that are not created with Tier 1 components. The final level of the crafted item is determined by level of components used, tech and artistry points, booster gemstones, and inspiration chances. More testing will have to be done on the affects of Techs, but this equation seems to be reliable:

   Your crafting levels - they set your maxes on base level and gem boosted base level as shown above.
   The components used.
   Tech for that component. (-1 if you do not have that tech)
   The stat Booster Gemstones used.

You can make a good guess at the base level of an item with this simple formula:

     Component Tier number + Component  Tier number - 1 = (base level)

*NOTE: Add -1 also if you are crafting with a focus on Artistry and do not have the artistry tech for that component, or are crafting to focus on Expertise and do not have the expertise tech for that component.

In any crafted item, you use 2 types of components. To work out the level, take the Tier level of the first component type, add the Tier level of the second component type and then subtract 1–that is your items base level (this does not apply correctly when using Tier 1 components though due to the fact that Tier 1s can be used to create items leveling from 1 to 3).


  1. Using Tier 2 components as one component type and using Tier 3 components as the other component type with a crafting level of 6 expert/8 artistry will give you a base level on the item of 4.
  2. Using Tier 2 components as one component type and using Tier 3 components as the other component type with a crafting level of 1 expert/1 artistry will give you a base level on the item of 3.
  3. Using Tier 3 components as one component type and using Tier 3 components as the other component type with a crafting level of 6 expert/8 artistry will give you a base level on the item of 5.

Booster gemstones for a stat set will raise the max base level up to +3 levels. With the right set of 3 gemstones, you can create a level 8 item every time you use them with the right pair of Tier 3 components every time you use them, whether you get inspirations or not. With enough inspirations, that level 8 item could become a level 9 item, or even higher, though no item over level 9 has been seen.


An inspiration while crafting can be gained, increasing the level of a crafted item by one level for each Inspiration. There is always a chance of gaining inspirations, but non transform gems that are not paired with the components used to create the item crafted raise the percentage of gaining Inspirations. There are 3 types of Inspirations: Minor, Major and Divine. An inspiration also gives a level for the ones below it; that is, a divine inspiration is equal to three levels, and a major inspiration gives two (essentially the minor and the major).


Lets say that the base chances for inspirations are as follows:

Minor = 10%

Major = 5%

Divine = 1%

Each Non transform gem will double that chance adding 10% 5% and 1%. so if you add 3 non transform gems that are not Booster Gems to the recipe, you will have a 40% chance at a minor inspiration, 20% chance at a major inspiration and a 4% chance at a divine inspiration.


When you gain an Inspiration, one or more of the following will be shown:

You have procced a minor INSPIRATION! (increase in item power)
You have procced a major INSPIRATION! (increase in item power)
You have procced a divine INSPIRATION! (increase in item power)

What Stat Sets are possible?

The following are all possible Stat Sets to date:

   strength / speed
   agility / dexterity
   constitution / wisdom
   damage / agility / willpower
   damage / nat resist / quickness
   damage / speed
   damage / wisdom
   endurance / willpower / strength
   health / constitution / dexterity
   health / damage
   health / willpower
   health / agility
   hit / constitution
   hit / damage
   hit / dexterity
   hit / intellect
   hit / quickness
   hit / spirit / mana
   intellect / wisdom
   mana / speed / intellect
   nat resist / intellect
   nat resist / speed
   nat resist / strength / dexterity
   speed / dexterity / agility
   speed / wisdom / constitution
   spirit / constitution / intellect
   willpower / constitution / strength
   willpower / constitution
   willpower / dexterity
   willpower / intellect / wisdom

What is a Primary or Secondary Stat

Primary Stat is the focused stat of a Stat Set on a spicific item location

Secondary Stat is the stat of a Stat Set on a spicific item location that is lower and not as impacting as the Primary

Each Stat Set in each item slot (ie hands or legs or about body or ect...) has its own Primary and Secondary stat.


Stat Set Willpower / Dexterity on hands might be Willpower Primary and Dexterity might be Secondary.Which means Willpower will be higher than Dexterity.

But Willpower / Dexterity for arms might be Willpower Secondary and Dexterity Primary with the Dexterity being higher than Willpower.

When choosing you crafted gear, it is wise to not only pick Stat sets that you need, but also what location that Stat Set is going to give you the stats you need the greatest in.