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Keys are items used to unlock exits (i.e. doors, gates, portcullis) that are usually impassable by a player without one. To add further difficulty to discovering some of these keys, there are non-standard exit names, and locked, hidden exits as well, such as "reef" in Glades.

General Information

Keys were an inclusion to the game since the beginning. They have undergone slight tweaking in their implementation, though. "Update 5/13/2003" introduced code that automatically dropped keys upon logging out, to prevent players from losing keys in cases where they accidentally left Nodeka, like in losing a connection. "Update 6/5/2004" introduced unsavable items as a "concrete item type." This update declared that keys fell into this category. In "Update 7/11/2004," most keys were adjusted to have a 7-day real-life lifetime, and also save to your player, staying live and in your inventory through game sessions, reboots, and crashes.

Known Keys
Key Name Keywords Loader In Area Opens Exit Times ID'd %ile*
A carved runestone key runestone Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.01%
a copper key copper key Loader Not Known/Published Stormhaven Door Not Known/Published 0.13%
a crest-etched signet key crest-etched key signet Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.27%
a dark clay key a clay dark key Medicine Man Medico Olvidado Forest clay 0.19%
a dark green key green key the forest keymaster Lord Braggi's Proving Ground forest 2.12%
a dark key dark key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 3.45%
a deep blue key blue key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.50%
a fang-carved key carved fang key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 7.26%
a finely made key gur'delar key Loader Not Known/Published Stormhaven Door Not Known/Published 2.59%
a finely made key key sur'qual Loader Not Known/Published Stormhaven Door Not Known/Published 2.80%
a gleaming blue key blue gleaming key Invius Zangolin Door Not Known/Published 0.74%
a glowing white key glowing key white Emero Zangolin Door Not Known/Published 0.75%
a humming silver key humming key silver Desyl Zangolin Door Not Known/Published 0.19%
a jet black key black jet key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.22%
a key of hardened blood blood hardened key Loader Not Known/Published Geist Mists tomb 0.03%
a key of pure moonlight key moonlight pure Moonbeam Zangolin Door Not Known/Published 1.46%
a key of splintered bone bone key splintered Loader Not Known/Published Geist Mists tomb 0.07%
a key to a cell cell key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.06%
a key to salvation key salvation Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.04%
a key to the council chamber chamber council key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.12%
a large copper key copper key large Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 1.96%
a large iron key iron key large Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 5.37%
a large padlock key key padlock Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.43%
a lion's-head key key lion's-head Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.21%
a misty blue key blue key misty Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.22%
a misty green key green key misty Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.21%
a misty red key key misty red Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.06%
a misty yellow key key misty yellow Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.15%
a mithril key key mithril Loader Not Known/Published Aur-Vindi fountain 5.57%
a mossy steel key key mossy steel Medicine Man Medico Olvidado Forest steel (hidden) 1.03%
a nugget of faerie gold faerie gold nugget Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.09%
a pitch black key black humming key Lady Ortius the Succubus Lord Braggi's Proving Ground trapdoor 0.15%
a prison key key prison Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.10%
a rust-streaked iron key key rust-streaked Loader Not Known/Published Geist Mists tomb 0.18%
a rusted key key rusted Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 2.11%
a rusted metal key key metal rusted Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 1.22%
a small bamboo key bamboo key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 2.40%
a small cattail bloom cattail small Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.63%
a small chunk of reef chunk reef Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 1.15%
a small insignificant key insignificant key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 2.55%
a small metal key egel key test Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.06%
a small mobius strip key mobius Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.40%
a small prism crystalline prism Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.07%
a small wooden key key wooden Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 1.81%
a steel key key steel Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.03%
a stolen gate key gate key stolen Bayeshi town guard Island of Bayesh gate, door (in Castle of Bayesh) 0.81%
a stone key key stone Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 15.82%
a thick iron key key Loader Not Known/Published Cirque de la Mort gate 0.97%
a tortured soul fragment fragment soul tortured Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.01%
a tribal key key tribal Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.12%
a Vl'lakian portcullis key key portcullis vl'lakian jailwatch ogres Vl'lakian Invasion Base portcullis 0.24%
a Vl'lakian wyrmbone key key vl'lakian wyrmbone jailwatch ogres Vl'lakian Invasion Base bulwark 0.22%
an eagle's-head key eagle's-head key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.10%
an iron key iron key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.01%
avarice avarice key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.52%
large metal key key metal Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.04%
Rixtor's journal book journal Loader Not Known/Published Geist Mists monolith (leads to Geist Ruins) 1.37%
sharp metal key church key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.01%
small wooden key key wooden Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.01%
sunburst shaped rune rune shaped sunburst Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 4.23%
sword shaped key key shaped sword King Jheric The Citadel of Paragon door 0.28%
Talisman of Fortune fortune talisman Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.06%
the centaur key centaur key large statue of a centaur Lord Braggi's Proving Ground centaur 4.65%
the key of shadows key shadow Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.03%
the key to the dark plane chaos key Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.87%
the kymroth key key kymroth large statue of a kymroth Lord Braggi's Proving Ground kymroth 4.51%
the manticore key key manticore large statue of a manticore Lord Braggi's Proving Ground manticore 3.95%
the minotaur key key minotaur large statue of a minotaur Lord Braggi's Proving Ground minotaur 4.01%
the moon key key moon Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.07%
the sentinel key iron key plain sentinel a powerful sentinel Lord Braggi's Proving Ground gate / door (near Lord Braggi) 4.80%
the sigil of the chasm chasm sigil Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.21%
the sun key key sun Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.01%
the wyrst key key wyrst Loader Not Known/Published Area Door Not Known/Published 0.03%
  • Note: The "Times ID'd %ile" column describes a relative rarity of they keys based on independent statistical analysis of in-game identifies. This gives a general idea (read: probably inaccurate) of the rarity of such keys. There are some keys that have only been identified once, for instance. Another example that brings usability of this method to light is the Ruushi Invasion Vl'lak jail keys. There are relatively few identifies in the database, but the drop rate is high and they are very well known.
