Island of Bayesh

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The Island of Bayesh (sometimes called "Bay" or "Bayeshi") is a medium-sized zone designed for major remorts. One of the earliest areas in the game, it was once the most popular places to run, and pre-pwipe, usually required a group to do that effectively. It sits in the NW corner of the continent of Gedaon.

General Information[edit]


Area Info[edit]

   Area name:                  Island of Bayesh
   Minimum suggested level:    50
   Minimum suggested remort:   major remort
   On continent:               Gedaon


Repop string:

The Island shakes with movement.
  • Average time: 1 hour, 2 minutes
    • Minimum time: 45 minutes
    • Maximum time: 1 hour, 15 minutes


  • From Temple: 2n;open gate;8n10w4n
  • From Joline:
  • From Jennifer:

Area Breakdown[edit]

The Island of Bayesh is a simple area, which definitely fits an earlier generation of builders. It's a classic zone with a lot of variety and a good amount of space. It's made up of a few different parts: a town surrounded by a forest, with a secret dank tower in the northeast of the zone. Within the zone to the north is an entrance to the Castle of Bayesh, which is actually a distinct zone.

  • Mist Bank
    • The entrance of the area is a small 3x3 square area, described as a mist bank. You can open the gates in the top middle room to enter the area–no key is required.
  • Quads
    • The bulk of the zone's area comes from the four "quads" that circle the central town, in each of the intercardinal corners: NE, NW, SE, SW. They are square in size, and mostly identical.
  • Baytown
    • In the center of the zone is a plus sign-shaped area, full of shops, homes, and a fountain in the center.
  • Ankari Tower
    • The Ankari tower is a secret area accessed from the mountain range in the NE quad. It's first two levels are 3x3 floors, followed by 2 levels of 2x2 floors, a 1x2 level, and then two levels of 1 room each. The topmost floor is an up exit locked behind a locked trapdoor.
  • Castle
    • A winding path in the north central part of the zone leads up to the castle gates.

Things To Do[edit]

  • Quests
    • Any quest line info can go here

Other Information and History[edit]

(Other information, secrets, tips, or things can go here.)

  • Secrets
    • Access to the Ankari Tower can be found through a secret exit, "door," in the very northeastern most room in the NE quad. It does not require a key.

  • Added to Nodeka: Early years if not before
  • Update History:
    • Unknown
