Clan Hall

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A clan hall is a special type of area where a clan can have a safe home, as well as a custom trainer and other perks.

Background and History[edit]

Some of the earliest MOTD notes in 1999 and 2000 show updates, new features, and bug fixes. Such features like doors, enclaves (clan halls being inside of an area like Ruushi), and portals removed features have been removed–this came with an update in July 2014 which gave mortal builders access to build their own clan hall; with that came a new help file, clan hall building.

Some of the bigger periods of drama surrounds clan halls. In the Update 2/12/2004 update, a new help file Arma clan hall was created, to clarify the issue that led to the removal of Arma's clan hall. Arma was abusing a secret exit to transport them across continents after the clan hall was moved. They had their clan hall taken away from them as well as put on a 1-year moratorium on purchasing a new one. It lasted three months before they were allowed to repurchase (see Update 5/16/2004).

In 2004, Nijlo allowed for clans to purchase an additional clan hall and changes were made where PCs with a pk flag aren't allowed to enter one. In October 2005, trainers were available to purchase again after a hiatus. Another great feature was added in 2007 where clan hall builders could use the command clanunlock to allow a room public access to those even not in the clan and clanlock to re-secure the room. The next big feature was much-requested allowance of scrounger gnomes to be purchased and placed.

After the player wipe in July 2014, clans and clan halls were finally announced to return in October. Current clans weren't allowed to return, nor were old clan halls being relinked–everything had to be reapplied, rebuilt, and recruited from scratch. In December, the clan size member limit was raised to 12, as well as the move to being fully purchasable with sun stones. The last substantial change came in January 2016, where gnomes made a comeback, as well as extra purchases becoming available, such as advanced regeneration rooms.

Help File[edit]

Clan Halls:

Each clan hall requires 40 sun stones to purchase. Currently, only one clan 
hall may be purchased per clan. The 40 sun stones can be taken from multiple
characters in a given clan.

With each clan hall purchase your clan will receive a new area of 500 rooms 
which you can create, link, name and describe as you like (help clan hall 

Each clan hall purchase receives:

   - only one room from the a clan hall area connects to the continent and
     the exit leading to the clan hall must be an up or down exit
   - only one room from the clan hall secretly leads to the continent and
     it must be within 10 moves of the entrance to the clan hall

Some additional features that may be purchased at any time are:

  1) Make an existing room a regeneration room: 5 sun stones
  2) Make a room a citadel viewing room: 5 sun stones
  3) Move the entire clan hall to a new location (w/ secret exit): 10 sun stones
  4) Clan hall trainer: 10 sun stones

     Trainer information needed:

            trainer's name ("Raash")
            trainer's short name ("the Temple Guardian")
            trainer's long name ("Raash, the Temple Guardian, hovers around 
               the room.")
            trainer's home room (room # within clan hall)
            trainer's race (if NPC, must be humanoid)
            trainer's gender (it, male, female)
            trainer's description (what you see when you look at Raash) 

      Each trainer comes with the following:

            1 point in all pools (health, mana, spirit, endurance)
            identify item skill
            remort player skill
            enhance / train skill
            alteration / adaptation skill

  5) Scrounger gnome: 30 sun stones
  6) Advanced regeneration room (+20% hp / mana regen rate over normal regen 
         room): 100 sun stones

All prices are subject to change without prior notification.

If you have a special request not listed above, please don't hesitate to ask and
we will let you know if it's possible and how much it will cost.
How do I order a clan hall?
1) Choose a name for the clan hall (see 'areas' for ideas)
2) Determine the repop string for the area (what you see before it repops)
3) Make a list of players you want access to build on the area
4) Choose a room to connect the area to (existing clan hall or continent)
5) Make a list of each character who is contributing sun stones to the clan
   hall purchase and include reference to the clan hall request
6) Send an e-mail with the above information to

For more information, see: help clan hall building
