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The help file on the class describes the Nojohr as "combat strong" and "magically inclined."

Class Description

The nojohr class covers a realm of curious facets. They are exceptionally 
combat strong, but are also magically inclined when it comes to location or 
realm understanding. In addition, nojohrs have some mystical connection with 
the skies, particularly with lightning. It is rumored the nojohr connection 
with lightning is an amplified focus of their magical realm powers.

Little is known about how nojohrs formed their connection with the skies, nor
the extent to which their power extend. However, some nojohr, a very select 
few, have moved their powers beyond the skies and into the heavens. With this 
increased connection, they have tapped into the powers of fate directly.

On the combat front, nojohrs are exceptionally combat strategic. Wielding both 
offensive and defensive tactics. The nojohr have been found to adapt to many
combat situations, leaving a less careful, less prepared opponent, completely 

Class Information

  • Remort Tier: Non-remort
  • Class +Hit: X
  • Class +Dam: X
  • Complementary Races: <races go here>

Skills and Spells

[ Nojohr skills: (*) unique, (*) new to tier ]:

                                   %    Level   Endur                 Position    
                           climb [   ] [   1 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                            swim [   ] [   1 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                            kick [ + ] [   1 ] [    7 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                        withdraw [   ] [   1 ] [  103 ]          [ Fight - Fight ]
                            trip [ + ] [   3 ] [   20 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                            bash [ + ] [   5 ] [   23 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                          rescue [   ] [   7 ] [   10 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                        redirect [   ] [   8 ] [   10 ]          [ Fight - Fight ]
                           parry [ + ] [  10 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                   striking fist [ + ] [  12 ] [   31 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
             concentrated attack [   ] [  16 ] [  130 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
                       field aid [ + ] [  24 ] [   53 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
       banded smiting initiative [ + ] [  26 ] [  103 ]          [ Stand - Stand ]
                         retreat [   ] [  31 ] [   10 ]          [ Fight - Fight ]
                      regenerate [   ] [  37 ] [    0 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
                 channeled anger [ + ] [  45 ] [   37 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
               thunderous strike [ + ] [  51 ] [ 2073 ]          [ Stand - Stand ]
                 enhanced damage [ + ] [  59 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                            rage [   ] [  66 ] [   20 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                      war-strike [ + ] [  72 ] [   53 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                           throw [ + ] [  81 ] [   52 ]          [ Stand - Stand ]
            defenders discipline [ + ] [  92 ] [  110 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
                          cleave [ + ] [  98 ] [  107 ]          [ Fight - Fight ]
                lightning strike [   ] [ 100 ] [  170 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]

[ Nojohr spells - (*) unique, (*) new to tier ]:

                                   %    Level    Mana                 Position    
             Thelgarron's fusing [ + ] [  55 ] [  288 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]

 % : Abilities marked '+' grant additional bonuses when trained past 100% mastery.

Class Progression

[ Nojohr      ] [ Silver Nojohr  ]          [ Defensive-nojohr            ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]
                                            [ Nojohr Judge                ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]
                                            [ Magos Nojohr                ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]
                                            [ Lernen Nojohr               ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]
                                            [ Silvern Nojohr              ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]