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Race Description[edit]


"As the mortal walks forward, steps backward, or shuffles sideways through our realm of distance and depth, so the Onillin step softly through time. The clouded origin of the Onillin speaks of some relation to the cryptic Gaa'el, although if at one point they were indeed similar or even the same race, time and war has long since driven them apart to the point where any resemblance has been lost.

A pair of taloned wings arc gracefully across the Onillin's back, coming to a point above their shoulders; however, their function is one purely of combat rather than movement, as they are a flightless race who uses those wings to rend the flesh from their enemies. Somewhat demonic in appearance, the Onillin are a varied race in terms of size and color; however, they all share the same inherent ability to warp time as they travel through it, allowing them to perform many actions much more quickly than logic or reality would otherwise allow."

Quoted from in-game description, new character generation. Copyright (c) Nodeka, LLC.

Racial Bonuses[edit]

 [ Selected Race   ]:  Onillin 

 [ Race Lineage    ] - Onillin, Onillin I, Onillin Ti

 [ Modifier Types  ] - dexterity +16      - speed +16          - wisdom +16         
                     - willpower +16      - health +350        - nat resist +2      
 [ Special Types   ] - time bending 5% 
                     - time-walker, second 30% 
                     - time-walker, third 5% 
                     - undetectable/untravelable by distance magic 25% 
                     - difficult to hit 12% 
 [ Attack Types    ] - armed with - winged slash 27% 
                     - armed with - winged slash 27%

Complementary Classes[edit]

Classes that pair well with the mortal race, Onillin are:

  • Potential Class

Racial Progression[edit]
