Bounty help

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This command is used to display the various commands used for the bounty system.

Help File[edit]

From "help bounty help:"

Bounty help:

Usage: bounty help

This command displays the overview of the basic bounty commands.

For more information, see: help bounty hunting

Command Output[edit]

Using this command gives the following output:

  [ Bounty Help ]

  bounties           - lists all bounties (most common)
  bounties open      - lists bounties open (non-requested) to you
  bounties approved  - lists your approved bounties
  bounties pending   - lists requested bounties pending approval
  bounties posted    - lists bounties you've posted
  bounties rejected  - lists the bounties you've been rejected from

  bounty post        - posts a bounty on a player that you name
  bounty approve     - approves a bounty hunter for a post you've made
  bounty request     - request approval for a bounty someone else has made
  bounty reject      - rejects a bounty hunter for a post you've made