Commands: Difference between revisions

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A full list of game commands can be found in the table below:
A full list of game commands can be found in the table below:

{| class="wikitable sortable plainrowheaders mw-collapsible"
<div style="column-count:3;-moz-column-count:3;-webkit-column-count:3">
! '''Commands'''
| [[//]]
| [[abilities]]
*[[abilities clear]]
| [[abilities clear]]
| [[accept]]
| [[adaptation]]
| [[affects]]
| [[afk]]
| [[alias]]
| [[alteration]]
*[[augment Limit]]
| [[answer]]
| [[appendprompt]]
*[[bounty approval]]
*[[bounty approve]]
| [[arc]]
*[[bounty help]]
*[[bounty post]]
| [[areas]]
*[[bounty reject]]
*[[bounty request]]
| [[asave]]
| [[ascension]]
| [[assist]]
| [[augment Limit]]
| [[boons]]
| [[botanswer]]
| [[bounties]]
| [[bounty approval]]
| [[bounty approve]]
| [[bounty help]]
*[[daily prize]]
| [[bounty post]]
| [[bounty reject]]
| [[bounty request]]
*[[display channels]]
*[[display clan]]
| [[buy,]]
*[[display clans]]
*[[display classes]]
| [[cast]]
*[[display commands]]
*[[display equipment]]
| [[challenge]]
*[[display help]]
*[[display locks]]
| [[channel]]
*[[display preventions]]
*[[display races]]
| [[check]]
*[[display skills]]
*[[display socials]]
| [[clanload]]
*[[display spells]]
*[[display staff]]
| [[clanlock]]
| [[clanset]]
| [[clanunlock]]
| [[class]]
| [[clear]]
| [[close]]
| [[color]]
| [[compete]]
| [[compose]]
| [[consider]]
| [[convert]]
| [[crafting]]
| [[create]]
| [[daily prize]]
| [[data]]
| [[delete]]
*[[inscriptions clear]]
| [[disband]]
| [[dismiss]]
| [[display channels]]
*[[last pkills]]
| [[display clan]]
*[[last pks]]
*[[last renown gained]]
| [[display clans]]
| [[display classes]]
| [[display commands]]
*[[look in]]
| [[display equipment]]
| [[display help]]
| [[display locks]]
| [[display preventions]]
| [[display races]]
| [[display skills]]
*[[peripheral vision]]
| [[display socials]]
*[[pkill targets]]
| [[display spells]]
| [[display staff]]
| [[dlink]]
| [[donate]]
| [[donations]]
| [[down]]
| [[drop]]
| [[east]]
| [[elink]]
*[[quests action]]
*[[quests action,]]
| [[emote]]
*[[quests c,]]
*[[quests check]]
| [[empower]]
*[[quests clear]]
*[[quests co,]]
| [[enhance]]
*[[quests com,]]
*[[quests comp,]]
| [[envoke]]
*[[quests compl,]]
*[[quests comple,]]
| [[equipment]]
*[[quests complet,]]
*[[quests complete,]]
| [[examine]]
*[[quests completed]]
*[[quests completed,]]
| [[exits]]
*[[quests open]]
*[[quests open,]]
| [[explore]]
| [[flee]]
| [[follow]]
| [[freeze]]
| [[gain]]
| [[gather]]
| [[get]]
| [[give]]
*[[repeat bot check]]
| [[glance]]
| [[group]]
| [[help]]
| [[hit]]
| [[home]]
*[[rpable pkills]]
| [[identify]]
*[[rpable pks]]
| [[ignore]]
| [[initiate]]
| [[inscriptions]]
| [[inscriptions clear]]
| [[inventory]]
| [[invoke]]
| [[join]]
| [[junk]]
| [[kill]]
| [[last pkills]]
| [[last pks]]
| [[last renown gained]]
| [[level]]
| [[list,]]
| [[lock]]
| [[look]]
| [[look in]]
| [[map]]
| [[morality]]
| [[motd]]
| [[murder]]
| [[name]]
| [[nlink]]
| [[north]]
| [[null]]
| [[open]]
| [[order]]
| [[outcast]]
| [[output]]
| [[peripheral vision]]
| [[pkill targets]]
| [[poll_found_nodeka]]
| [[powers]]
| [[practice]]
| [[prefixprompt]]
| [[preventions]]
| [[prompt]]
| [[put]]
| [[pword]]
| [[qlist_area]]
| [[qlist_mob]]
| [[quest_add_action]]
| [[quest_add_complete]]
| [[quest_add_open]]
| [[quest_clear]]
| [[quest_clear_all]]
| [[quest_list_area]]
| [[quest_list_mob]]
| [[quests action]]
| [[quests action,]]
| [[quests c,]]
| [[quests check]]
| [[quests clear]]
| [[quests co,]]
| [[quests com,]]
| [[quests comp,]]
| [[quests compl,]]
| [[quests comple,]]
| [[quests complet,]]
| [[quests complete,]]
| [[quests completed]]
| [[quests completed,]]
| [[quests open]]
| [[quests open,]]
| [[quit]]
| [[race]]
| [[ranks]]
| [[rdesc_append]]
| [[rdesc_clear]]
| [[read]]
| [[reattune]]
| [[rebuild]]
| [[rebuild_mobs]]
| [[recall]]
| [[remort]]
| [[remove]]
| [[removeprompt]]
| [[rename]]
| [[repeat bot check]]
| [[replaceprompt]]
| [[reply]]
| [[repop]]
| [[report]]
| [[rest]]
| [[rlist]]
| [[rname_set]]
| [[role]]
| [[room_list]]
| [[rp]]
| [[rpable pkills]]
| [[rpable pks]]
| [[rtype_set]]
| [[sacrifice]]
| [[save]]
| [[say]]
| [[scan]]
| [[score]]
| [[sell]]
| [[silence]]
| [[skill]]
| [[skills]]
| [[slay]]
| [[sleep]]
| [[slink]]
| [[social]]
| [[south]]
| [[speedwalk]]
| [[spells]]
| [[split]]
| [[stand]]
| [[stones]]
| [[take]]
| [[target]]
| [[tell]]
| [[time]]
| [[title]]
| [[toggle]]
| [[track]]
| [[train]]
| [[ulink]]
| [[unalias]]
| [[understand]]
| [[unenhance]]
| [[unfreeze]]
| [[unlock]]
| [[unsilence]]
| [[up]]
| [[updates]]
| [[uptime]]
| [[wake]]
| [[wear]]
| [[west]]
| [[where]]
| [[who]]
| [[whocitadel]]
| [[wlink]]

Revision as of 20:16, 29 August 2020

A command is the most basic control of the game. For a console with a controller, examples could be up, down, B, A, or right trigger; or in a traditional computer game, a keyboard and mouse. In Nodeka, the Player Character uses these commands as controls for their character.

A full list of game commands can be found in the table below:

From "help command:"

Basic commands:

Basic commands are commands which are most commonly used. Some of these 
commands are as follows:

   equipment   - used to see what items you currently carry
   inventory   - used to see what items you currently carry

   follow      - the command that will attempt to follow another player or mob
                 (see 'help mob')

   gain        - the command that increases your level, if you have enough 
                 experience and are in the presence of a guildmaster 
                 (see 'help gain')

   practice    - used to list your current set of known skills and spells. Also
                 used to attempt to increase the ability percent of either a 
                 skill or a spell

   save        - attempts to save your progress (useful in preventing any 
                 loss in case Nodeka crashes)

   score       - shows you useful character information, including your basic
                 attributes, gold, experience, etc.

   quit        - the command which "logs you off" of Nodeka. This command must
                 be performed before logging in another character onto Nodeka.

For more information about each, type 'help <command>'. Example:

   -> help save
   -> help gain
   -> help follow