Playable Races

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► For a list of non-playable and NPC races, see Non-Playbale Races.

There are currently 83 playable races across 3 remort tiers. When a new character is rolled, you can choose one of 26 base races. In the second remort tier, minor, each of those grow into a second, more powerful class (in some cases, you have a couple of options), with further bonuses in the race lineage. Each major remort race takes the stats and bonuses

Race Structure[edit]

There are 26 "base races" that empower your specific style of play, because the race determines what statistic bonuses, racial affects, and special types a character will receive. You can use the command display races, or adding a modifier, display classes <base race name> to see more about a specific race.

From "help display races:"

Usage: display races

The display races command lists all playable races in Nodeka.

For more information, see: help race, help class, help display classes

Using the command race by itself:

Usage: race (by itself, you'll see your own race's modifiers)
Usage: race <race name>

Race shows you a list of racial affects for any given race. 

For details on what each affect does in list, simply type:

   help affect: <affect name>

For more information, see: help display races, help class, help display classes

There is a Score Sheet Topic: Race helps explain what you see about your race on the score sheet:

Score Sheet Topic: Race

This field represents your current race. Races are the counterpart of classes.
Races have a great deal of meaning on Nodeka and can grant powers which would
be unattainable without them.

For more information, see: help race, help races

To communicate specifically with other characters of your race, try using the Race-native channel; from "help race-native:"

Toggle usage: toggle race-native channel

Channel usage: race-native <message>
Channel usage: rnative <message>

The race native channel communicates messages only to those individuals who
are of the same class lineage. Non-remorts, minor remorts and major remorts of
the races all communicate on the same channel.

To turn the class-native channel on and off, type "toggle race-native".

Race Changing[edit]

It is possible to change your character's race even after character creation. While there used to be significant penalties for doing so, there are less decentives to it now. See the article on alteration for more information.

From "help race change:"

Race change:

The following help describes the conditions and requirements that must be met
in order to successfully use the alteration command to permanently change your
race (and race lineage). This help file does not contain any information 
regarding how to execute a racial change, if you are seeking that information
see: help alteration

You must be level 100 to race change. The cost of a race change is dependent
upon your remortal status. Costs are outlined below.

Non-remortal and minor remortal cost:

   3 sun stones
   10,000 platinum
   200 million experience

Major remortal cost:

   3 sun stones
   10,000 platinum
   400 million experience

Race changes are NOT refundable. If you purchase a race change and have second
thoughts shortly thereafter, the only way to be returned to your previous 
race is to purchase ANOTHER race change. We strongly suggest that you talk with
your fellow players who play the race you wish to change to, hear their opinions
and thoughts.

Also, remember than Nodeka is a living, breathing, evolving world that is
constantly changing. These changes are sometimes manifested as racial ability 
changes, new race additions, etc. Allowing you to change races gives you the 
opportunity to try something new and/or select a race more condusive [sic] to your 
class when these changes happen. It is possible that a change in your newly 
purchased race may occur. This will NOT be a justifiable reason for a refund of
your recent race change. Again, there will be NO REFUNDS for any reason. Keep 
this in mind when considering a race change.

For more info, see: help alteration, help adaptation

Since that article discusses the concept of a race change, but not the command itself, see "help alteration:"

Alteration (race change):

Usage: alteration (lists available races to adapt to)
Usage: alteration <race name>

This command allows to you change race permanently. You can race change to 
any other race in your remort tier.

A racial trainer must be present in order to fulfill this request.

Alteration syntax:

  alteration (shows the list of possible race and class alterations)
  alteration <FULL RACE NAME>


Command entered:     alteration
Command entered:     alteration onyx protector
Command entered:     alteration storm wielder
Command entered:     alteration daimon

Note: alteration removes all of your affects, INCLUDING quest affects! 
Therefore, ensure any quests you are in the middle of you finish before
altering your race (so you don't have to redo mob kills, etc.).

Note: each character is allowed one free race change. To use your free race 
change, simply use the alteration command. Once your free race change has been 
used, you will be charged the normal race change fee thereafter.

For more information, see: help race change

There are some slight changes to this to note: you can in fact race change without losing your quest affects–though changing class or race does unequip all of your items. Also, the "free race change" mentioned is no longer available–that promotion has expired.

Races List[edit]

Using the in-game command, display race, the output below is shown:

  [ Playable Races ]

        Base              Minor Remort           Major Remort
  [ Bakkalus Thoe ] [ Thoe-qal                 ] [ Thoe                          ]
  [ Black Drake   ] [ Dark Drakontos           ] [ Shadow Derkesthai             ]
  [ Blue Drake    ] [ Ice Drakontos            ] [ Frost Dragon                  ]
  [ Cloud Giant   ] [ Wind Titan               ] [ Storm Wielder                 ]
  [ Drow          ] [ Drow of the Blue Blood   ] [ Dark Elf / Veldruk            ]
  [ Elf           ] [ Green Elf / Grey Elf     ] [ Elven Guard / Silver Elf      ]
  [ Faehr         ] [ Magi-Faehr               ] [ Naj'rei Faehr                 ]
  [ Frost Giant   ] [ Titan of Ice             ] [ Arctic Colossus               ]
  [ Gaa'el        ] [ Dayenar                  ] [ Koj'ehr                       ]
  [ Gargoyle      ] [ Onyx Protector           ] [ Obsidian Guardian             ]
  [ Gnome         ] [ Minoi                    ] [ Svirfneblin                   ]
  [ Hobbit        ] [ Stoor                    ] [ Thain                         ]
  [ Human         ] [ Demon / Angel            ] [ Arch-Angel / Daimonikos       ]
  [ Jadior        ] [ Risen Jadior             ] [ Jadior of Light               ]
  [ Jerof         ] [ Jerokai                  ] [ Jerowae                       ]
  [ Kedoeji       ] [ Red Kedoeji              ] [ Sun Kedoeji                   ]
  [ Oji-oem       ] [ Oji-oem of the Silent    ] [ Oji-oem - Keepers of the Word ]
  [ Onillin       ] [ Onillin I                ] [ Onillin Ti                    ]
  [ Pixie         ] [ Sylph                    ] [ Sprite                        ]
  [ Red Drake     ] [ Fire Drakontos           ] [ Crimson Draco                 ]
  [ Rhras         ] [ Guarded Rhras            ] [ Shielded Rhras                ]
  [ Ryven         ] [ Kor Ryven                ] [ Ryfe                          ]
  [ Troll         ] [ Troglodyte               ] [ Grey Troll                    ]
  [ Undead        ] [ Liche                    ] [ Liche Lord                    ]
  [ Weretiger     ] [ Jaiet Weretiger          ] [ Weretiger Khan                ]
  [ Wulniothe     ] [ Vorn Wulniothe           ] [ Ru Wulniothe                  ]

  [ Total Playable Races ]: 83

Race Help Files[edit]

Using "display help race:"

 [ Display Help (specific)       ] Searching for: >> race <<
 [ 'display help' for all topics ]

   command: display races              command: race                    
   display races                       race                             
   race change                         race trainer                     
   race-native                         races                            
   score race
